What Keeps You Together?

Date Night #3, April 4th, 6pm

[quotes]”What keeps spouses in love is the ability to see something good in each other and in their marriage.” – Six Dates Handout #3[/quotes]

Join couples from our parishes as we reflect on what keeps us together.  During a short video we will hear from other couples on what keeps them together.  Then the kids stay to have a blast in the multi-purpose room with Miss Beth and her Girl Scouts.  The couples head out on a date wherever they’d like and discuss the topic of the night.

For the Third Date Night we will reminisce about what attracted us to each other at the beginning, what gifts God has given each of us and how we are doing in our own marriage when it comes to making room for our spouse in our lives.

Come on over and join us!  You don’t have to participate in all of them – you can come for as many or as few as you are able.

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