By our Pastor, Fr. Carmelo Jimenez

During the past three weeks at my parish we have been reflecting on an important point based in the three T’s: time, talent and treasure. Since I came to the US, I have seen that our English speaking brothers and sisters are very methodical in these three points and in everything.  It helps their sense of belonging to their parish.

In paragraph # 515 of the Code of Canon Law it says: “A parish is a certain community of the Christian faithful stably constituted in a particular church, whose pastoral care is entrusted to a pastor (parochus) as its proper pastor (pastor) under the authority of the diocesan bishop”. This definition about the Parish gives us two elements: geographic area and community, that together with the bishop joins it to the Universal Church.

The sense of belonging to a parish beyond a territory makes all brothers and sisters feel like a family, God’s family. So, they are responsible for things or possessions of the parish. I enjoy seeing in all celebrations on Saturday and Sunday, as we gather for the Sunday celebration, that people take the opportunity to greet their brothers and sisters and friends, and share a word or laugh together. With that joy we begin our celebration, feeling like a family.

I want to share with you my feelings when I talking about money or treasure. Many times we –the priests- have been criticized as always trying to get more money and therefore I almost never talk about this matter, but it is so necessary to continue with parish life, which implies costs. Some weeks ago, on World Mission Sunday, I wrote that my parish is not self-sufficient, and therefore ask my parishioners, but also to everyone who reads my reflection, to think about how much God has given you and how much have you given God? With respect to time: How many hours of life does God give you? From all that time, how much do you spend with God: at Mass, in prayer, in visiting the Blessed Sacrament, in meditation? Regarding talents: What gifts and talents has God given you? Do you use any of these talents for God and charity? And in regards to money: How much does God let you earn weekly? God grants you life. God gives you the time to work. How much money do you separate as an offering to God, to His house & for the extension of His word?

The responsorial psalm says: “Blessed are you who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways! What your hands provide you will enjoy; you will be blessed and prosper” (Psalm 128: 1-2). A part of the Gospel for today speaks about talents. The rich landowner entrusts his property to his servants and went away, and when he returns, he calls to his servants for a report. Those who were responsible with what they got, he told them: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy” (Mt. 25: 21. 23). God does not ask for a standard answer, he asks everyone to do their best, not conform themselves to be as good as the others. No! Let’s not compare ourselves with anyone. God asks each of us for our best. Each one of us gives to God our own measure. A generous answer to love, a free answer. Nothing out of obligation or fear.

I want to conclude my remarks by praying: God, help me to feel like this is my parish and my community in which I am now living my faith. Help me Lord, to feel I am an important part of this community in which you have shown me your merciful face and presence. May I, Lord, be responsible for my time, talent and treasure for the good of my family and my community as well. Thank you for every moment of my life. Help me to be responsible to take care and protect this life that you gave me. Thank you Lord, for the talents I have received. I am grateful to You, Lord, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

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