News for the week of October 29th

Sunday, October 29th is Priesthood Sunday. 

Priesthood Sunday is a time to celebrate and affirm the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the Church in the Sacrament of  Holy Orders.  It is an opportunity for Catholic parishioners to thank, affirm, and share their love and support for our priests.  On this day,  parishioners are encouraged to make a commitment to pray for all priests and especially for their own parish  priests.  It is also a time to pray for vocations to priesthood and to encourage young men to courageously seek God’s will and follow his call.

Consider telling Fr. Carmelo what you appreciate about him this week and participating in next week’s special collection for his home diocese as a way of thanking him for this priesthood.

Our Parish Family

Homecoming Mass & Meal —Sunday, Nov. 19th, 4pm

Please make plans to attend, bring a dish to share and help us spread the word to those who have attended St. Michael’s in the past.  Celebrating this anniversary is to honor those that have built the foundation of our parish while looking with hope toward the future.  If you have pictures for the slide show of memories at St. Michael’s or pictures of former members who have passed away, please email them to or give them to Jenny or Patti.

Family Photos: If you would like to have a family photo    taken in the park there are slots open Saturday, Nov. 4th in the morning.  Please sign up on the bulletin board.  This will be the last chance to have them taken with Amanda Coomes    before we print the directory.  You can still submit your own family photos to the email above or have a snapshot taken   after mass as a family.

Flagpole Raffle: The Knights are raffling a flag with                  flagpole on Nov. 11th to raise money for Thanksgiving            baskets.  Tickets are $5 each.  See a Knight for more info.

Thanksgiving Baskets: If you know of a family who could really use an extra hand this Holiday season the Knights would love to give them a Thanksgiving basket.  Please give Charles Buchanan their name, mailing address, phone number and how many are in the family before Friday, Nov. 3rd.  They will receive a voucher in the mail to bring Nov. 18th.

Patti leaving Parish Ministry: Patti began working at St. Michael’s 10 years ago.  As Patti’s family has grown it has been harder and harder to balance ministry and family life, so she has decided to look for a different job to allow her to be home on more nights and weekends.  Fr. Carmelo will begin looking for her replacement immediately.   Deacon Chris is still assigned to St. Michael’s and Patti and their kids will continue to attend mass at St. Michael’s.

Our Faith Family

Special Collection Next Weekend: Bishop Medley has          decided to call for another special collection on Nov. 4th & 5th in response to the continued natural disasters and needs.  75% of this collection will go to Fr. Carmelo’s home Diocese of Tuxtla Gutierrez who is rebuilding many churches and other diocesan buildings following the earthquake.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for Healing the Wounds of Abortion: November 10-12, 2017. Participation in this retreat is open to any woman or man who has been involved, or touched by, abortion.  If you have lost a child or grandchild, or a sibling, nephew or niece, to abortion, or if you have at any time in your life been involved in an abortion, then the Lord Jesus would like to offer you both healing and peace!  Both Catholics and non-Catholics are welcome to participate, and our retreat is conducted with absolute confidentiality. For more information, visit our website:, or call Debbie at (270) 570-4717 or Jennifer at (931) 242-5506.

Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even how to communicate this with their spouse. This program has helped thousands of  couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For                confidential information about or to register for the January program beginning with a weekend on Jan 12, 2018, call the Family Life office at 270-852-8346, or email: or visit




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