The readings for this Sunday make us reflect on the close relationship that exists between our heart and where we put our interest, in other words, they speak of the heart-treasure relationship. This implies our values and the choices we make for our life.
The Gospel tells us three parables, the first of which is the hidden treasure that is impossible to gain by our own strength, so we seek out smaller treasures that in the end bring us to this greater treasure that we seek.
The precious pearl of great value is what grabs our attention, we put in all of our effort and we seek it out. This means all of our effort without leaving anything hidden. Many times as Christians we realize the treasure: love, for which Christ gave himself over and gave over the most valuable thing he had on this earth for the salvation of souls: his life. He gave his life once and for all, not little by little. Christ gave himself and all that he had so that you and I would be saved. Many times we have said and heard: God loves you! But many times it becomes just a saying with little worth, just words that sound nice. But his love is real, that he renounced his glory and died like the most undignified criminal on the cross; for all sins and sinners he offered his life. And so, only in him do we have salvation and eternal life. Unfortunately, many of us look for him only when we need him. It’s like we have one foot on the path to Christ and the other foot in our own diversions. We are neither following Christ nor following the world; rather we are playing with the good in one hand and the bad in the other. The book of Revelation of the Apostol St. John is clear when it says: “because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16). The question that it makes us consider is: Where do you put your heart? What is the treasure that you seek?
We constantly hear: “in my days education was like this”; “in my days we behaved like…” “but this generation seems like they have lost their values”, this is the complaint of the adults. Young people also complain saying: “my parents are so old-fashioned”, “Mom, what decade did you get stuck in?”, “Dad wants to bring us up like in the old days, how backwards”. But our reflection should be based on one rule: love, and our life should seek more life, which we will only find in Christ. So our life will be enough if we base it on Jesus’ life and God’s commandments. Follow Christ; hear God’s voice, may the treasure and values that you seek be based on love and eternal life. If the love of God and his Kingdom is the rule of your life, it is not old-fashioned, but rather a great future and a great hope: life in God. If you follow Christ with all of your being, rest assured that his love will never fail you.
Fr. Carmelo, you could say, you still have one more parable to explain! No, if you follow Jesus and make Him your complete life, He will fill your life with more life, He will choose you as the good fish and he will take you to his kingdom in heaven. He will give you what you can’t get by your own strength, because salvation is a gift from God.
Brother, sister: seek God, make his Kingdom your treasure, the greatest treasure that you could get. Offer your life and receive eternal life. Remember God loves you! And he gave his life for you. Love God and offer him your life and follow him. His Kingdom and his promise are forever. He will never forsake you. Your treasure: the love of God, the Kingdom of God, salvation. The choice for his children. May God grant us eternal salvation. Amen.