St. Michael’s Catholic Church, a people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, are brought together by God through the Gospel and the teachings of the Church.
Prayer and frequent celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist | Sharing our faith and educating others about the Church | Living a life of continual conversion | Providing our children with a strong Catholic upbringing | Giving comfort to those in need | Stewardship of our time, talent and treasure | Acting as the living presence of Christ in our world, building community and welcoming all | Empowering one another to share the Gospel through our words and by our actions
In 1976, Fr. Carl Glahn along with many Catholic families of Webster County organized what is now St. Michael's Catholic Church in Sebree, KY. Many who first gathered together for mass originally in an union hall above Sebree Deposit bank in this year, are still members of our parish family today. Dedicated on November 20, 1977, 14 years later a rectory was added to our property. A unique detail in our history includes a very strong lighting strike in 1998 which lead to a complete renovation of our entire worship space. Happy in our new buildings, we are home to a diverse, close-knit family of about 300 persons, half of which are first or second generational immigrants.
St. Michael, as scripture and tradition hold, is the protector and leader of the army of God against the forces of evil. For the past several years our entire parish family has gathered on the Sunday nearest our patron Saint’s Feast Day for a procession, bilingual mass and celebration. We pray that St. Michael will intercede for us as our diverse community continues to grow in unity.
Baltazar Rafael
"I am a humble servant of the Lord, called to take care of the Guatemalan community of our Church."
Richard Beaven
"By living out the values of the Christian life, I want to bring others closer to Jesus."
Gracia Alvey
Ministro de Música
"Yo dirijo la música durante las liturgias de las 5:00 p. m. y las 10:00 a. m.".
Connie Caldwell,
Jim Hurtte,
Devin Gibson,
Jenny Glenn,
Randy Thompson,
Mila Mendoza,
Kattia Angulo.