Upcoming Ministry Opportunities
If you would like to offer your time & talents tell Patti!
February is St. Michael’s turn to help staff the Sebree Christian Outreach ministry. Please consider offering some of your time on any Saturday of the month from 9am to 12pm to help sort & hang clothes and assist those coming to the outreach.
Our Parish Family
St. Michael’s hosting 5th Sunday Sing on Sunday, Jan. 31st: All of the Christian churches in Sebree come together each 5th Sunday to praise God together. Please consider coming to this special event hosted by our church family! Parishioners are asked to bring finger foods or desserts to offer to those that attend. Also anyone who would like to may sing a hymn or contemporary praise & worship song.
Sebree Christian Outreach: Please consider lending a hand any Saturday during February from 9am to 12pm.
Schedule for Lent: Ash Wednesday Masses: 12pm Bilingual, 6pm English; 7pm Spanish. English Bible Study: Mondays, 6pm; start Feb 15th. Stations of the Cross: Each Friday at 6pm bilingual. Live Way of the Cross on Good Friday.
Our Faith Family
The Diocese of Owensboro Needs Your Help! The Diocese of Owensboro Communications Office has created a short survey in order to assess the communication needs of those in our faith community in western Kentucky. Please find the survey at http://ow.ly/XgXv6. Thank you for your participation!
Marriage Saving – the Weekend Phase – During the weekend phase of Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) a series of presentations are given by a team of three couples and a priest. The team presents a technique of communication that enables you to take a good look at most areas of your relationship. After each presentation you have time to discuss the presentation in the privacy of your room. For confidential infor-mation about or to register for the January program beginning with a weekend on Jan 29, 2016, call 270-683-1545 ext 346, or email: satkv59@gmail.com or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.com
MEN’S CONFERENCE— The Catholic Men’s Conference of Western Kentucky will take place Saturday, February 13, 2016 at St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro beginning at 8am. The conference will address the subjects of what it means to be a Catholic Man in a secular world, how to become better sons, brothers, fathers, husbands & men and why we have an obligation to evangelize. Nationally renowned and dynamic Catholic speakers Tim Staples, Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at Catholic Answers and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Founder and Director of DeaconHarold.com, a Christian evangelization and apologetics organization. The conference is open to men who are high school seniors or older. The cost is $30 for adults and $15 for students, and it includes lunch. There is more information at their website – www.kycatholic.com or call Randy Clemens at (270) 316-5067.
Events at Mount St. Joseph Conference & Retreat Center (Ursuline Sisters):
“Why Do I Feel Guilty When it’s Time to Relax?” Feb. 2 The dinner and presentation is 5–6:30pm. The cost is $20.
“A Father Who Keeps His Promises” Feb. 11 -A monthly study of the book, “A Father Who Keeps His Promises,” by Scott Hahn. The next class is on Feb. 11. The book focuses on God’s covenant Love in Scripture. The classes take place on the second Thursday of each month. The sessions begin at 10:30 a.m. and end after lunch is served at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to attend any and all sessions. There is a $10 fee per class. To register, contact Kathy McCarty at 270-229-0206 or kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org. You can find a flyer at www.ursulinesmsj.org under Conference & Retreat Center.
Note: The event below takes place in March, with an early bird discount offered through Feb. 11:
March 11-13 Women’s Retreat: “The Tender Mercy of Our God”
“The Tender Mercy of Our God: Jesus and Gospel Women” is the theme of a women’s retreat the weekend of March 11–13 at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Participants will be invited to reflect on “the tender mercy of God” as embodied in Jesus’ treatment of a number of women in the gospels. Jesus extended divine mercy to childless women, women whose children had died, poor and sick women, “foreign” women, “sinners” and to women outside conventional roles. Through reading, reflecting and sharing, attendees will translate the face of God’s mercy toward Gospel women into the experience of God’s mercy today. Retreat leader is Sister Cheryl Clemons, OSU. The $180 fee includes meals and accommodations. Commuters can attend for $130. Take 10 percent off the cost if paid in full by Feb. 11. Contact Kathy McCarty, 270-229-0206 or e-mail kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org. A brochure can be found at www.ursulinesmsj.org (Click on Conference and Retreat Center).